Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's a Girl

Meet the newest member of our family, Josie.
She is an English Cocker Spaniel and right now she is 13weeks old.

Isn't she cute!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

those eyes....

I am currently working on building a new website and in doing so I am going through A LOT of images to put in my portfolio.  I just love this one of Jill and Steve's daughter and I couldn't resist putting it up on the blog.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

This image makes me smile.  Why?  Well, because I love the expression on Mackenzie's face showing how much fun she's having sitting in the drivers seat of this old tractor.  What I love even more is she's on her Great Grandpa's tractor.  Mackenzie will grow to know my grandpa in the stories I share and old family photo albums she looks through.  But for me,  the idea that she is sitting atop the same tractor her Great Grandpa once drove is something I love.  At Grandma and Grandpa Kenco's there are so many treasures linking the past with the present and that is something I truly cherish.

Monday, April 2, 2012

In a Blink of an Eye...

The calendar says it's April 2nd....would someone please tell me where March went?

So much has happend since I last posted...which seems like an eternity right now.  I would have to write a small novel to document the last 5 weeks but instead I am going to do what my wonderful sister-in-law Jenn would do.  And that is make a list!  And once you are done reading the list you can stare aimlessly into the image I am posting.  Let your mind wonder as to where the tracks are taking you or  where you just came from.

So here it goes:

 1.  two hockey tournaments~both out of town
 2.  one week holiday in Fernie~ I hope to post images soon
 3.  more hockey
 4.  and more hockey
 5.  Mackenzie getting her tonsills out plus 3 trips to the emergency room (don't worry she's okay)
 6.  hockey wind-up
 7.  throw in Mackenzie figure skating once a week

oh, and my full-time job as well.  Jeepers I think I need a vacation!

© Elle Markosky Photography by lisa
Lisa Markosky-Hodgson, Lifestyle, Family, Children, Maternity, Portrait Photographer Saskatoon, SK 306.281.6649
Design~Tastemaker by Design Aglow