Monday, April 2, 2012

In a Blink of an Eye...

The calendar says it's April 2nd....would someone please tell me where March went?

So much has happend since I last posted...which seems like an eternity right now.  I would have to write a small novel to document the last 5 weeks but instead I am going to do what my wonderful sister-in-law Jenn would do.  And that is make a list!  And once you are done reading the list you can stare aimlessly into the image I am posting.  Let your mind wonder as to where the tracks are taking you or  where you just came from.

So here it goes:

 1.  two hockey tournaments~both out of town
 2.  one week holiday in Fernie~ I hope to post images soon
 3.  more hockey
 4.  and more hockey
 5.  Mackenzie getting her tonsills out plus 3 trips to the emergency room (don't worry she's okay)
 6.  hockey wind-up
 7.  throw in Mackenzie figure skating once a week

oh, and my full-time job as well.  Jeepers I think I need a vacation!

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© Elle Markosky Photography by lisa
Lisa Markosky-Hodgson, Lifestyle, Family, Children, Maternity, Portrait Photographer Saskatoon, SK 306.281.6649
Design~Tastemaker by Design Aglow