Sunday, October 28, 2012


Yep you read that right!

elle Markosky Photography has moved!

 New content will no longer be posted on this site.

Please click the following link to take you to the new site!!

I will be leaving this blog up so if anyone wants to look back for images they can do so.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Why is it that in the summertime it is so difficult to get my kids to go in the backyard and play and when it snows I have a hard time getting them inside to eat supper????

Sunday, October 21, 2012


She is beautiful and she is strong... 
that is how I see her.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Photowalk 2012

On October 13, 2012 I was a part of the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk.  What is it you say?  Well, it is a world wide photo walk started by Scott Kelby 5 years ago.  People from around the world on the same day take amazing images of their environment.  This year there were 31,792 people from around the world participating in the cool is that!!!  The walk is also a contest and the winner receives books written by Scott.

This year Tamra and I headed out on a very cold morning with about 40 other photographers to try and capture some amazing pictures down by the river.  It was so cold that I bought myself a pair of cool mitts at The Better Goods store on Broadway,  cuz my hands were so frickin cold!  side note:  I have never really shopped on Broadway (yep, lived in Saskatoon 18 yrs and have only seen the inside of the Bulk Cheese Warehouse), and let me tell you I am going back and checking out all those cool little locally owned stores...I am now a customer for life.  

This year my objective was to take images with leading lines so I decided to focus on the Broadway Bridge, that leads right to my new favorite store.

Here are my two favorite images from that day.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bolen Family....

This afternoon I had the opportunity to shoot Nicole and Greg's beautiful family.  Nicole and I have known each other for years as she grew up in Roblin along with my brother Jason and sister-in-law Jenn.  Actually I think (correct me if I am wrong) the three of them graduated together.  Today was the first time for me meeting Nicole's family and it turns out that she and Greg know some friends of ours~small world.  Okay, enough are a few sneak peeks of the kids!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Family of 3 becomes 4....

Towards the end of June I did a family shoot for Nicole and her husband Riley and son Dagon.  I have known them since Dagon was just a little toddler and now he is all grown up and in Kindergarten!  Nicole's family  has grown from three to four with the arrival of little Sullivan (who showed up two weeks after these pictures were taken).   The first word that comes to my mind when I think of Nicole and Ry is 'edgy' and that's the feeling I love to see in their images.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Andy and Erin's Wedding

On July 7th, 2012 
Erin and Andy were married in their backyard with family and close friends in attendance.  It was a beautiful sunny day...perfect for an outdoor wedding.  Here are some very special moments from their day. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

and a little more backlit love...

So you may be wondering what Backlit is, right?  I am here to tell you, actually Jasmine Star one of my favorite photographers will tell you, "Photos taken during those golden hours of the day (just before sunrise and just after sunset) have a stunning quality to them. This light can create dynamic and dramatic effects and changes the mood of pictures".  Now who wouldn't want that for their children and family portraits?

Backlit love....

I recently discovered how much I love shooting backlit images...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I'm considering tying a bunch of weights onto his head to get him to stop growing!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sneak Peek | Andy + Erin

The weather was perfect for a backyard really could not ask for a better day. 

 A late afternoon wedding was about to begin as family and close friends were invited to help themselves to a cold beverage (perfect for a warm late afternoon) and visit until the ceremony started.  Children ran through the trees while a very calm groom (with sweaty palms ;) worked his way to where the ceremony would take place visiting with guests along the way. 

With the promise of love and respect, something about not hurting Max the cat and most important the responsibility of raising Cameron together, Andy and Erin were officially married!!!

Welcome to the family Erin!
 (for those who do not know, Andy is my brother-in-law)

Friday, July 13, 2012


Is growing up way too fast!!

I love the sparkle in her eyes :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to take family portraits of the most adorable children and their parents. We started out on the walking path down by the Mendel Art Gallery and ended up by the big water fountain down by the river.  Thank you Jen and Paul for a great morning~and here are just a couple of pix to tie you over for the next few days.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Close -Up Photography

Close-Up Photography I would say, is my most favorite way to shoot.  There is something about a close-up image that tells a story.  The closer you focus on a given subject, the more there is to be revealed.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's a Girl

Meet the newest member of our family, Josie.
She is an English Cocker Spaniel and right now she is 13weeks old.

Isn't she cute!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

those eyes....

I am currently working on building a new website and in doing so I am going through A LOT of images to put in my portfolio.  I just love this one of Jill and Steve's daughter and I couldn't resist putting it up on the blog.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

This image makes me smile.  Why?  Well, because I love the expression on Mackenzie's face showing how much fun she's having sitting in the drivers seat of this old tractor.  What I love even more is she's on her Great Grandpa's tractor.  Mackenzie will grow to know my grandpa in the stories I share and old family photo albums she looks through.  But for me,  the idea that she is sitting atop the same tractor her Great Grandpa once drove is something I love.  At Grandma and Grandpa Kenco's there are so many treasures linking the past with the present and that is something I truly cherish.

Monday, April 2, 2012

In a Blink of an Eye...

The calendar says it's April 2nd....would someone please tell me where March went?

So much has happend since I last posted...which seems like an eternity right now.  I would have to write a small novel to document the last 5 weeks but instead I am going to do what my wonderful sister-in-law Jenn would do.  And that is make a list!  And once you are done reading the list you can stare aimlessly into the image I am posting.  Let your mind wonder as to where the tracks are taking you or  where you just came from.

So here it goes:

 1.  two hockey tournaments~both out of town
 2.  one week holiday in Fernie~ I hope to post images soon
 3.  more hockey
 4.  and more hockey
 5.  Mackenzie getting her tonsills out plus 3 trips to the emergency room (don't worry she's okay)
 6.  hockey wind-up
 7.  throw in Mackenzie figure skating once a week

oh, and my full-time job as well.  Jeepers I think I need a vacation!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flower Power....

It's not all roses and sunshine.  Mix it up a never know where it might lead you.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Kids

I've decided that this year will be the year I take more images of my kids and print them.  Mackenzie and Jackson are growing up way too fast and tomorrow I am going to wake up and Jackson will be asking me for the keys to the car!  I am so not ready for that.

Taking images of my children, printing and documenting them is like creating a storybook of our family. Now who would not want that?

If you would like to start creating your own storybook drop me a line.  It's never too late late to start your own book.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cutie Pie

At Maddie's Birthday Party this little cutie would turn and run away when ever she saw my lens pointed her way.  It is a good thing that Maddie and my children have provided me with excellent 'hearding cat' skills and I was able to capture an image of  little 'J' and her gorgeous eyes!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Madeleine Jane turns the big 0-5!!

Today Maddie turned the big 0-5!!

Here is a sneak peek from her fabulous pink party!

© Elle Markosky Photography by lisa
Lisa Markosky-Hodgson, Lifestyle, Family, Children, Maternity, Portrait Photographer Saskatoon, SK 306.281.6649
Design~Tastemaker by Design Aglow